The Pulse of SaaS II: How US and European companies compare

Ishwardeep Singh
Ishwardeep Singh
Head of Risk
September 20, 2024
min read
The Pulse of SaaS II: How US and European companies compare

Today, we published our latest whitepaper The Pulse of SaaS: Data trends on US and European startups in 2022.

This report analyzes data from over 500 early-stage startups, providing recommendations to help SaaS founders grow their businesses in today’s changing economic environment.

This is the second installment in our data-driven series, with the first article focused on overall trends. In this latest analysis, we were particularly interested in uncovering key differences between:

  • US vs European start-ups
  • Bootstrapped vs venture-backed
  • 2022 performance vs 2021

You can access the full report here, and we’ve even made the full dataset publicly available so founders, CFOs, and anyone else can input their own business metrics into our model to see how their performance compares.

We’d love to hear what you think over on LinkedIn.

The report was also covered in TechCrunch.